Energy Power Tools

Grounding ~ Our Energy Recycling Program


We are electromagnetic beings of light (spirit/energy) in a body.  We are spirits having human experience - how kewl is that?

The ONLY way the spiritual realm can have tactile experience (feeeeeel) is to occupy a body ~ so here we are having our experience!

The Earth has a north and south pole - this makes an electromagnetic field through and around the planet as energy flows between the poles.

WE have a north and south pole as well ~ a root and crown chakra.

We are electromagnetic, remember?  WE are magnetized so we won't float away when we're trying to navigate around in these bodies!

GROUNDING is the ability to consciously release pent-up energy in the body and get things flowing.  We connect our electromagnetic field with the earth's electromagnetic field in a more deliberate way which then allows energy to flow downward.

Energy is always looking for ways to ground into the earth - lightening, electricity, our own life force energy!  When too much energy builds up in the body and we don't remember to ground and run our energy, we can have fun things happen like getting zapped when touching the light switch, blowing light bulbs when turning the lights on or off, zapping other humans or even blowing street lamps!  

We can also have a tendency to spew our pent up energy on one another...

Abdominal breathing, grounding and running my energies helps me to move and transcend (shift) unwanted energies that I happen to pick up along my journey. Quicker! Grounding keeps my spirit in my body (ever have unconscious moments driving?) the lights are on but nobody's home!

One is less 'reactive' and more 'proactive' when one is present in one's body.

Grounding also helps me remember and maintain my NOW momentness easier.


Sit comfortably with your back straight.

Begin your Diaphragm/Abdominal Breathing (see below) 

Place a radiant violet mat beneath your feet to transcend any toxic energy that may come up.

With intention, say 'hello' to the spirit of mother earth - known as many names - I call her Gaia.

Bring your awareness to the bottoms of your feet.  With intention, draw UP earth energy into and through the mat and into the bottoms of your feet where each foot has an energy center (chakra).

Feeeeel it in your feet if you can - if not, pretend!  See/feel/know it is swirling around all the little bones of your feet ~ 

Breathe it UP into your ankles and then up, around, and through your lower legs. Bring your awareness to your knees and knee chakras and then with your awareness draw the energy up and through to your thighs.

Rest your awareness at your root chakra center (located at the base of your tailbone) and breathe for a moment into your root as the energy builds in the lower abdomen.  Just allow your awareness to be in this part of your body and notice what you notice.  Breathe. 

With intention, bring your awareness to the root center and expand it as wide as your hips and allow energy to begin to flow down and into the chair - imagine you are a tree - you are securely grounded deep into the earth.  

Personally I'm up to my waist in the earth and my feet are larger roots with lots of smaller roots all around...  I say 'hello' Mother and I envision Gaia as a beautiful, radiant, VIBRANT tree spirit with outstretched, welcoming arms (branches) and my roots and her branches are all intertwined.

This energy is 'feeding' Gaia who informed me she is quite capable of transcending and recycling, so 'bring it on sistah' is what she said!  So, I'm like, OK!  Here!  This is win/win!  Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~

Once connected, I bring my awareness back to my breathing - ahhhhhhing on the exhale to stimulate the VAGUS nerve and release oxytocin, an endorphin. My body is already feeling the effects as we begin the relaxation ritual - ahhhhh...

Bring your awareness back to your lower abdominal area and notice what you notice - if anything.

I cannot tell you how loooooooong it has taken me to be able to easily ground. It would take an ENORMOUS amount of focus and then maybe I could feel a little something.  With lots of practice, it is now second nature - so be patient with yourself ~ REMEMBER:  with INTENTION you are 99% there!  (phew!!!)

The Royal Flush ~

Once grounded and with my eyes closed, I look UP inside my head (stimulates the pineal gland or 3rd eye ;O)  

I say 'hello' to Father Sky (cosmic energy) and I envision it as a beautiful, radiant, ray of light or finger of Godd.  Because I don't really "see" I pretend and it works great, because that is my intention!  See how this works!  

I can then feeeeel it as it descends into and throughout my crown chakra (top of head) like liquid honey.  I 'see' it as radiant gold ~ 

I intend that the swirling energy is clearing old, toxic thoughts with its descent; it is clearing my optic nerve and eyes, and each tooth is getting energetically flushed as well. Ahhhhhhhhh ~

The energy is clearing the channels across my shoulders, down my arms, and out my hand chakras or energy centers.

I envision my "PVC" pipes that are carrying the energy a bit bigger in diameter. Ahhhhhhh...

My lungs are filling with hope and releasing any sadness

Any pain is magically alchemized into vapor and then nothingness...

The energy travels down the trunk of my body cleansing, healing, and bring bright, new energy to all my fabulous organs and systems.  

I'm saying THANK YOU ~ I LOVE YOU to my body the whole time.

When I feel done, I bring my consciousness right behind my eyeballs once again, feel my feet, wiggle my toes, and gently open my eyes.

My inner Wahoooooness is UP and I am feeling great!

Now that I've got my energy right, I'm ready to create my day!

Diaphragm/Abdominal Breathing ~

Imaginel if you will, that lying inside your belly cavity is a deflated beach ball. Place a rather large set of nostrils right below the nipple line and upper ribs.  As you inhale through your lower nostrils, the beach ball inflates (your tummy comes out) and as you exhale, the beach ball deflates (your tummy comes back in tight).  

This exercise massages the deep lymph that lies within the chest cavity and abdomen, boosting the immune system.

Imagine you are drawing energy in from all directions on the inbreath.

Turn any pain or discomfort (physical/mental/emotional) to smoke.

Release on the exhale.

Focus on your breath as much as possible ~ when you wander, just come back. I would do for at least 30 seconds.

Vagus Nerve Breath Activation ~

Now begin to ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh on the exhale to begin stimulation of the vagus nerve.  Vibrating the vagus nerve begins the release of a relaxation hormone (oxytocin) and gets the body to realize it can relax ahhhhhh...

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