Shift Happens! for Womyn is a Quantum Energy tapping (Faster EFT) and NLP (NeuroLinguisticProgramming) class that helps us rewire limiting thoughts and beliefs into solution-based thinking.  

Does your mind constantly run a series of worrisome thoughts such as “I need to workout, we don’t have enough money, I need to lose weight, what if something happens to my spouse, kids, house…”  This energy class helps you understand how to retrain the brain to stop the negative thinking and quickly flip the switch.  

We learn that "heaven on earth" is a state of being, and we practice ways to keep that state anchored in the body as we navigate throughout our busy days.

It’s an amazing class and you do not have to talk or share a thing unless you want to!

Mondays 5:30p Multipurpose room Kanab Library  $5

Gentle YOGA/Quantum Movement with Jennifer Andrews is perfect for any adult of any age and most moves can be done in a chair if need be.  It's the perfect ending to Shift Happens! to get the body to gently release after all the tapping ~

Mondays 6:30p Multipurpose room Kanab Library

~ $20 punch passes available ~

*Womyn - an ancient spelling of Women

1 comment:

  1. Hellooo and greetings friends! It's been quite a long ride and I've landed and am grounding into my new digs, life, and home office!
    So, this site is now 'under construction' util further notice! Welcome! Wahooooo!
