What is the Quantum Field?

The Quantum Field 
(as understood by me!  ;O)

When we turn on the light switch, we know the light will go on, because we trust that whatever invisible force (electricity) is between the switch and the light will work!

We anticipate what song is gonna rock our world when we turn on the stereo or wait all week to catch up on recorded TV shows ~ all because we KNOW they (electricity and air waves) will work because we have repeatedly watched them work!  (thank you, Godd!)  We trust ~ ahhhhhh

Many of us don't think much about our heart beating, our magnificent brains working, or how our body gleans energy from the foods we eat.

Why is it we feel energized around some people and drained by others?  

Like the above examples, there is a force ~ yes, just like our beloved Luke Skywalker was taught to get 'in tune' with ~ that is known as the Quantum Field of Pure Potentiality (and a number of other things).  

This 'force' flows through each and every particle of every thing on this planet - both animate and inanimate...  

It's what gives life!  This 'life force' can be measured today (check out IONS - the Institute of Noetic Science) in rocks even!

Imagine, if you will, that we are built like batteries in that we have a positively charged ionic flow and a negatively charged ionic flow of this energy throughout our body.

We are an electromagnetic being (spirit) living in a body.  This force is one of the things that gets measured when we are hooked up in the hospital having an EKG.

The body is the hardware of the computer, and the mind (memories stored throughout the body) and brain are the software systems that run the body ~ 

We have a wonderful little file clerk who lives inside our mind.  His/her job has been to 'try to figure out' based on PAST experiences.

The Spirit part of us is the GPS system - my God Power Source - is also available 24/7 and is ALWAYS accurate   ;O)  

It only knows 2 frequencies - YES and NO...

~ To be continued ~

* Godd - represents God and Goddess, the Yin and the Yang...

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