Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Shift Happens! for Womyn 3/2 recap


A big SHOUT OUT to all the brave souls who ventured out to Shift and YOGA last evening ~ Wahooooo!

We came together, got good and grounded and began our diaphragm/yoga breathing ~ to get oxygenating and present ahhhhhh

Next we added the Vagus Nerve Breath by ahhhhing on the exhale.  By doing this breath at least 5x in a row, we begin to produce more oxytocin (a relaxation hormone) which counterbalances all the cortisol (stress hormone) we can run as busy people.  The Chinese taught us that doing at least 60 of these breaths a day has a huge beneficial effect on our immune system due to the reduction of stress.  Doing at least 5 at a time is a good way to chunk-it-down!

We practiced grounding by first bringing up earth energy through the radiant violet mat under our feet ~ transcending any toxic energy into perfect energy just for me...

The radiant energy swirled around all the little bones of our feet, and we breathed it up into our ankles as we thanked our foundation profusely for being so strong holding up our body and carting our spirit within it around this planet! Thank you, feet!  U TOTALLY ROCK!!!

We brought our feet chakras to present time.

We invited the earth energy to come up our lower legs, up through our knees and knee chakras, and into our thighs to our root center.

We created a beautiful cord of light from our root that expanded out beyond our hips and went down to the spirit of mother earth - however we like to envision that.

We created our Earth Loop connection nice and strong, and became aware of what the earth's negatively charged ionic energy feels like in our body...

Energy flowed down to Gaia (spirit of mother earth), got recycled, and sent back up to us ~ 

We connected with the beautiful, cosmic ray and brought it down into our crown, spiraling it down, around, and through us, and all the way down the grounding cord to Gaia.  We took time to allow it to do its magic healing as it worked its way down ~

Next, we created our cosmic loop by bringing about 75% of the cosmic energy around the bottom of our tailbone and up the front of our spinal column, and up and out of the top of our head like a fountain, cleansing our auras.

We tapped our way through our energy field on various issues as they arose.

We played with NLP ~ We took something we were trying to figure out and worked with it using Faster EFT and NLP tools ~ we laughed as things lighted up more and more!

We learned to 'engage the magic' by playing with the Figure 8 or Infinity Symbol and Shift our words, our thoughts, and felt the shifts in our body as our thoughts changed the inner chemistry.

We did some Bounce and Shake (QiGong) to finish cleansing our energy field.

We finished by taking this beautifully expanded energy within ourselves, created a healing circle with the Earth and all of her inhabitants in the center.  

Again, THANK YOU for coming!  I LOVE YOU Wahoooooooooooooooo!

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