THANK YOU for coming to Shift Happens! for Womyn last evening!
We came together and began to get present with our deep breathing.
Then we began to ahhhhh on the exhale as our diaphragms relaxed and we could take in more oxygen.
We were reminded that ahhhhing vibrates the vagus nerve, sending oxytocin to the rescue!!! Oxytocin counteracts all the extra cortisol (stress hormone) that we can accumulate by running too much of our male, or 'get things done' energy. We need to do five in a row to get the effect, and ideally 60 in a day...
We talked a bit about the Great Ascension that we are in and the physical effects that we are noticing.
The "expanded heart" chakra is creating quite a bit of havoc with our shoulder girdle area, with some folks experiencing intense pain. So, we breathed more, stretched more, and tapped on releasing physical pain and discomfort.
We reframed 'trying to figure it out' energy. Trying to figure it out burns up so much of our daily energy while giving thanks expands energy!
We began to relax into the 'gee, what's it like to sit here in my desired outcome (even if we didn't know what that was) energy. We began to say thank you to the Divine for our desired outcome! We knew that we would feeeel relieved and grateful!
We practiced changing the channel to K-EASE FM on our radio dial from K-STRESS FM with various challenges.
We stood and did some Spring Forest QiGong to shake things out and off, and then we finished by creating our gratitude circle and sending the energy to our awesome Father Sky and beautiful Mother Earth in the center.
For me, I just go to gratitude - period. Works every time! THANK YOU for the great day that we are about to have!!
And I thank YOU for being such a beautiful mirror for me - blessings!
Until next time ~ Wahooooooo!
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