Friday, April 17, 2015

4/16 Wylde Ride

My earth teleportation system (Betty Boop) is in the shop this morning and I am housebound it seems for the day.

So much for MY plans! HA! I have this bumper sticker in my office that says "I plan and God(d) laughs!"

So I need to punt and I'm realizing that the most powerful moment I have is this NOW moment...

PULL your energy back from the future and the past and be in your jammies and be HAPPY about it!

Easier said than done this day ~ so much DOING I had planned.

Then a friend sends me an email from the Ascended realm describing this time as a most important time time to practice being AWARE ~ ok so I'm aware I'm feeling frustrated!!! LOL

I begin my tapping ritual:  I release and let go of whatever I'm feeling that is bothering me.  (I could not identify 'it' so I start general)

I release and let go of any constriction and remind whichever 'girl' has been holding onto this stuff that she can now breathe - ahhhhhhhh

Tap tap tapping...

I'm AWARE that it's Wednesday and once again I'm feeling all this heavy, icky, nauseating stuff going on in my solar plexus.

LAYERS ~ Ahhhhhh, yes!  Sometimes I forget that we release in layers and my mind wants to go to 'what am I doing WRONG???'

Understanding seems to begin the shift and I'm feeling better.

Time to lay on the ball and massage my organs as they release more layers (from the girls' beach balls of toxic energy)

Breathing lots and lots ahhhhhh ~

Drinking LOTS of water - more than I usually do which is a gallon or so of 'energized' water.

By evening I realize it has been a great day indeed!  I studied, and took the time to be CONSCIOUSLY AWARE of my vibe and make shifts and  I am definitely feeling better.

Betty is back home from the car dr and it was a very minor thing.  I am even more grateful for having a car and to her specifically for letting me know IN THE DRIVEWAY that there was a problem - not out on the road somewhere...  But this is Betty's MO ~ she totally ROCK!

Thank you, Divine Creator of ALL things ~ I love YOU . THANK YOU!


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